Prof. Reza Shadmehr
Traylor Bldg Room 410
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
720 Rutland Ave
Baltimore, MD 21205
Office: 410-614-2458
Lab: 410-614-3424
FAX: 410-502-2826
Email: shadmehr@jhu.edu
Driving Directions from Washington DC
Take Baltimore-Washington Parkway to Baltimore, passing the baseball stadium. After the stadium, the road you are on will make a sharp right turn (stay in one of the two right lanes), followed by a sharp left turn that will leave you heading north at a traffic light at Pratt Street.
Pratt is a one way street heading east. Take Pratt 1.3 miles until you reach Washington St. Turn left (north) on Caroline.
Take Caroline north aroub 1 mile, and then turn right onto McElderry St. Once on McElderry, parking is on your right. Park here.
Leaving the parking lot on foot, walk up the brick pathway toward the dome. You will reach Broadway. Take a left on Broadway and walk half of block to Monument St. Turn right on Monument and walk 1 block. You will see Rutland Ave (which is actually a street that runs under the Ross research building) to your left. Turn left (north) on Rutland (it's the only way you can go on Rutland). About half way down the block, there is a gate and guard booth on the west side (left side) of the street. Tell the guard you're coming to visit the lab, and sign in. Ask the guard to direct you to Ross Building elevators.
Take the Ross elevators to 4th floor. Take the two next possible left turns, and now you're in the Traylor Building. Reza Shadmehr’s office is Traylor 410. The labs are located in Traylor 416.
Pratt is a one way street heading east. Take Pratt 1.3 miles until you reach Washington St. Turn left (north) on Caroline.
Take Caroline north aroub 1 mile, and then turn right onto McElderry St. Once on McElderry, parking is on your right. Park here.
Leaving the parking lot on foot, walk up the brick pathway toward the dome. You will reach Broadway. Take a left on Broadway and walk half of block to Monument St. Turn right on Monument and walk 1 block. You will see Rutland Ave (which is actually a street that runs under the Ross research building) to your left. Turn left (north) on Rutland (it's the only way you can go on Rutland). About half way down the block, there is a gate and guard booth on the west side (left side) of the street. Tell the guard you're coming to visit the lab, and sign in. Ask the guard to direct you to Ross Building elevators.
Take the Ross elevators to 4th floor. Take the two next possible left turns, and now you're in the Traylor Building. Reza Shadmehr’s office is Traylor 410. The labs are located in Traylor 416.
Here is a campus map. Traylor building is at the top of the map, near the middle.