Ehsan joined the laboratory in 2015 as a graduate student in the BME PhD program after graduating with BS and MS degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology.
Ehsan's research focuses on neural control of movements, with a particular focus on saccades and the role of the cerebellum. His research demonstrated that in humans, there was a link between reward prediction errors, which are thought to lead to production of dopamine, and modulation of movement vigor. He led our laboratory's efforts in behavioral training of marmosets and neurophysiological recording from the cerebellum. He discovered that during movements, P-cells synchronized their simple spikes to control the timing of deceleration. He also led the work to write an open-source, freely available spike sorter, P-sort, specifically designed for analysis of neurophysiological data from the cerebellum. Upon graduation, he joined Neuralink.
Ehsan's lectures:
- Population coding of saccadic eye movements by Purkinje cells of the marmoset cerebellum. Nov. 12, 2020
- Control of movement deceleration by the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum. April 20, 2021

Movement vigor as a trait-like attribute of individuality. Thomas R. Reppert, Ioannis Rigas, David J. Herzfeld, Ehsan Sedaghat-Nejad, Oleg Komogortsev, and Reza Shadmehr (2018) Journal of Neurophysiology.
Reward prediction error modulates saccade vigor. Ehsan Sedaghat-Nejad, David Herzfeld, and Reza Shadmehr (2019) Journal of Neuroscience 39:5010-5017.
Behavioral training of marmosets and electrophysiological recording from the cerebellum. Ehsan Sedaghat-Nejad, David Herzfeld, Paul Hage, Kaveh Karbasi, Tara Palin, Xiaoqin Wang, and Reza Shadmehr (2019) Journal of Neurophysiology 122:1502-1517.
Behavioral training of marmosets and electrophysiological recording from the cerebellum. Ehsan Sedaghat-Nejad, David Herzfeld, Paul Hage, Kaveh Karbasi, Tara Palin, Xiaoqin Wang, and Reza Shadmehr (2019) Journal of Neurophysiology 122:1502-1517.
E Sedaghat-Nejad, JS Pi, P Hage, MA Fakharian, R Shadmehr (2022) Synchronous spiking of cerebellar Purkinje cells during control of movements. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (14), e2118954119.
E Sedaghat-Nejad, R Shadmehr (2021) The cost of correcting for error during sensorimotor adaptation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (40).
E Sedaghat-Nejad, MA Fakharian, J Pi, P Hage, Y Kojima, R Soetedjo, S Ohmae, JF Medina, and R Shadmehr (2021) P-sort: an open-source software for cerebellar neurophysiology. Journal of Neurophysiology 126 (4), 1055-1075.
E Sedaghat-Nejad, MA Fakharian, J Pi, P Hage, Y Kojima, R Soetedjo, S Ohmae, JF Medina, and R Shadmehr (2021) P-sort: an open-source software for cerebellar neurophysiology. Journal of Neurophysiology 126 (4), 1055-1075.
E Sedaghat-Nejad (2021) Adaptive Control of Saccades. PhD Dissertation. Johns Hopkins University.
Ehsan Sedaghat-Nejad
Ehsan Sedaghat-Nejad