Jean-Jacques joined the lab in 2007 as a postdoc, after having completed his PhD in the Laboratory of Neurophysiology at Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. Jean-Jacques mastered the use of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in our lab, and made important contributions to the theory of temporal discounting and motor control. His research provided new insights into the role of the motor cortex in motor adaptation and generalization. He subsequently was appointed Assistant Professor at Université Catholique de Louvain.

Changes in corticospinal excitability during reach adaptation in force fields. JJ Orban de Xivry, MA Ahmadi-Pajouh, MD Harran, Y Salimpour, and R Shadmehr (2013) Journal of Neurophysiology 109:124-136.
Stimulation of the human motor cortex alters generalization patterns of motor learning. JJ Orban de Xivry, MK Marko, SE Pekny, D Pastor, J Izawa, P Celnik, and R Shadmehr (2011) Journal of Neuroscience, 31:7102-7110.
Contributions of the motor cortex to adaptive control of reaching depend on the perturbation schedule. JJ Orban de Xivry, SE Criscimagna-Hemminger, and R Shadmehr (2011) Cerebral Cortex 21:1475-1484
Temporal discounting of reward and the cost of time in motor control. R Shadmehr, JJ Orban de Xivry, M Xu-Wilson, and TY Shih (2010) Journal of Neuroscience 30:10507-10516.
Jean-Jacques Orban de Xivry
Jean-Jacques Orban de Xivry