Error correction and the basal ganglia. MA Smith and R Shadmehr (2000) Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 4:367-369.
Error correction, the basal ganglia, and the cerebellum. Maurice Smith (2001) PhD Thesis, Johns Hopkins University.
A Gain-Field Encoding of Limb Position and Velocity in the Internal Model of Arm Dynamics. EJ Hwang, O Donchin, MA Smith, and R Shadmehr (2003) PLoS Biology 1(2):209-220. News&Views
Intact ability to learn internal models of arm dynamics in Huntington's disease but not cerebellar degeneration. MA Smith and R Shadmehr (2005) Journal of Neurophysiology 93:2809-2821
Adaptation and generalization in acceleration dependent force fields. EJ Hwang, MA Smith, and R Shadmehr (2006) Experimental Brain Research 169:496-506.
Dissociable effects of the implicit and explicit memory systems on learning control of reaching. EJ Hwang, MA Smith, and R Shadmehr (2006) Experimental Brain Research, 173:425-437
Interacting adaptive processes with different timescales underlie short-term motor learning. MA Smith, A Ghazizadeh, and R Shadmehr (2006) PLoS Biology 4:e179 News&Views
Effects of cerebellar thalamus disruption on adaptive control of reaching. H Chen, SE Hua, MA Smith, FA Lenz, and R Shadmehr (2006) Cerebral Cortex 16:1462-1473
Maurice Smith