Michelle joined the lab in 2009 as a research associate for Prof. John Krakauer, after completing her BS in BME from Johns Hopkins University. She graciously helped advance the research of many people in the lab, including Mollie Marko, and JJ Orban de Xivry. Her research interests include the role of the cerebellum in motor learning.

Changes in corticospinal excitability during reach adaptation in force fields. JJ Orban de Xivry, MA Ahmadi-Pajouh, MD Harran, Y Salimpour, and R Shadmehr (2012) Journal of Neurophysiology.
Sensitivity to prediction error in reach adaptation. MK Marko, AM Haith, MD Harran, and R Shadmehr (2012) Journal of Neurophysiology 108:1752-1763.
Michelle Harran
Michelle Harran

Jennie joined the lab in 2011 as a research associate, after completing a BS in Biomedical Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. She discovered that vigor of movements was a trait-like component of individuality, correlated with decision-making trait of impulsivity. She subsequently enrolled in the MD program at Yale.

Vigor of movements and the cost of time in decision making. Jennie ES Choi, Pavan A Vaswani, and Reza Shadmehr (2014) Journal of Neuroscience 34:1212-1223.
Changes in saccade kinematics associated with the value and novelty of a stimulus. TR Reppert, JES Choi, AM Haith, and R Shadmehr (2012) Conference on Information Sciences and Systems 46:1-5.
Jennie Choi
Jennie Choi